Hawaii - Big Island & Kauai Pictures

jenschelly's picture

After Neil left Kauai post-vacation, I went to the Big Island for two days and then came back to Kauai for work. While on the Big Island I visited Volcano National Park, the County Lava Viewing area, and the Macadamia Nut Factory. Pictures of the Big Island are posted here. On Kauai, we had very little time for fun during the work week, but on the weekends we had some time. Neil and I had done most of the bigger tourist attractions, so I took time to see the lesser known, but still beautiful places. I went horseback riding, visited the National Tropical Botanical Gardens, and some of the beaches near my condo. I also learned that boogie boarding is not my strong suit. :-) Pictures of Kauai are posted here. Pictures of our vacation time in Kauai are posted here.